Writer, Editor, Photographer
My name is Tabatha Jenkins and welcome to my personal website! I am an alumna of the University of Arkansas at Monticello where I majored in English with a collateral in Communications. I hope to pursue my Master's Degree in the foreseeable future. You can learn more about me by going to my bio page . You can also check out some of my poetry and short stories, check out my publications, and browse through my photography gallery. Don't forget to sign up on my mailing list so that you never miss an update!

My first editorial is now published and available for order on Amazon!
"Andrew O'Hearn Toon was a writer, activist, and artist. He died in 1992 leaving behind a life's worth of work that has now been compiled and edited into this collection."
Latest News!
Guess What?!
Right now is a GREAT time to subscribe to my website, because not only has my newest publication went live today but there are also a couple of others that will be going live in the next coming months! So scroll down to the bottom and subscribe!
And in the mean time, click on over to my Publications page and check out my newest fiction publication!

I'm super excited to announce that I have snagged a new poetry publication in the Feb. 2018 issue for The Write Launch magazine. You can find the link to it in my Publications page.

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